Every day we are learning more about allergies and related conditions. Companies like DBV Technologies are at the forefront of this drive to understand allergies better so as to fight them more effectively.

One good example of how our understanding in this field has improved is in the identification of Eosinophilic Esophagitis as an allergic condition, which can cause many problems, including heartburn and difficulties with swallowing. It is now understood that food allergies may well be a contributory factor and DBV Technologies is looking into how it can treat this phenomenon. In addition, this French company is already very well advanced in the development of several treatments targeting some of the most common food allergies in the western world, namely peanut allergy, hen’s egg allergy and cows’ milk protein allergy. This treatment takes the shape of the small, adhesive patches which you can see pictured below. These patches contain very small volumes of the antigens triggering the allergic reactions in the patients being treated. They provide a safer way of introducing these antigens into the body in a way that allows the patient to gradually develop greater tolerance for these substances.